Privacy Policy - Gipsy Online
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This Privacy Policy statement applies only to the information collected online through - Global, or mobile sites (collectively our “Websites”) & and its subsidiaries and divisions, stores ( that expressly adopt, display, or link to this Privacy Policy, or through our pages on social media sites, such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, et al. (“Social Media Pages"). In order to make your visits to the various GIPSY/GIPSY Online channels as responsive as possible, we collect information when you visit us online. To help ensure an enjoyable online experience, we provide this summary of what information we collect online and how that information is used. Your use of the Website/App confirms your acceptance of this Privacy Policy and your agreement to be bound by it. If you do not accept this Privacy Policy, please do not use this Website/App.

Information Collected Online

1. General Browsing

We collect general information about our visitors’ experience with our Websites and this general information is not connected to personally identifiable information about individual visitors. The information collected includes which pages our visitors are viewing on our Websites and whether visitors arrived through a link for our Websites. It also includes information on the type of browser and service provider used. For visitors using a mobile version of our Websites, this includes technical information about the device used, such as screen size, cookie support by the device and how images may appear. All of this information helps us provide a better experience for our visitors by being able to determine such things as how to best format our mobile Websites for various devices, our most desired pages, products and features, how to best direct visitors to our Websites, and where there might be browser or service provider connection issues.

2. Location Information

Our Websites provide features, such as a store locator service, if you have enabled the location-based services on your mobile device. The features on our Websites that require determining your location may make use of the GPS information on your mobile device. Sometimes we use other information, such as your IP address or nearby wireless access points or cell phone tower locations, to roughly estimate where you are to provide you the feature on our Websites that requires understanding where you are located. If you use one of the features on our Websites that require locating you, we will collect and process your location data for this purpose. If you do not consent to or disable location-based services we may ask you to manually select the region where you are located, or to enter your zip code to find a nearby store; if you chose not to provide this information some features of the Websites may not be available.

3. Personally Identifiable Information We Collect

GIPSY collects personally identifiable information from you when you provide us with this information, either by filling out all or a portion of a form, or completing the form by submitting it. You can provide us this personally identifiable information in many instances throughout our Websites, or by sending us an email, for example when you interact with the following opportunities: placing an order through one of our Websites; establishing an account; adding your choices and information about yourself and others to your account; registering to participate in a promotion; emailing an item, post card or wish list; adding a message in the gift wrap section or on an E-Gift Card; entering a contest or sweepstakes; requesting an opportunity to model for us; taking a survey; contacting us with a comment or question; signing up to receive emails about our products and services; replying to an email requesting information from you; requesting to receive investor alerts; or applying for a job online. We also collect information through use of cookies, pixel tags (also known as Web beacons and clear GIFs) and URL links, as described under "Cookies" below. While not personally identifiable information by itself, GIPSY/GIPSYalso collects and retains the following and associates it with your personally identifiable information: your IP address, your interactions with our Websites, your actions in response to our communications to you, and the purchases you make. Categories of personally identifiable information collected online include name, address, gender, month and day of birth, email address, telephone number, mobile phone number, payment card information, recipient's name, address and email address, modeling information (including name, size stats, work information, and contact information), use of our Websites tied to one of these categories and any other information you choose to provide, including through your personal social media accounts, as described below.

4. Personal Information You Allow Us to Collect from Your Social Media Accounts

To create an account on our Websites or to participate in certain features, our Websites may allow you to chose to let us access information from accounts you have created on social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and other similar sites (“Personal Social Media Accounts”). If you chose to allow us access to your Personal Social Media Accounts, GIPSY could collect some, and possible all, of the data in the Personal Social Media Account to which you grant access. Depending on the terms of the social media site, this information could include: your name, email address, profile picture, gender, networks, user ID, list of friends, birthday, likes, education history, work history, current city, hometown, interests, relationship status, and location. Once you grant this permission, GIPSY will be able to continue to be linked to the permitted Personal Social Media Account and collect information without a further request for permission, which could include later revisions to existing information or new types of information that you add. If you no longer want your Personal Social Media Account(s) linked to our Websites, click on the ‘disconnect’ link located on our Websites near the corresponding social media button and we will stop collecting this information. You may also be able to stop our ability to link to information in your Personal Social Media Account by following instructions provided on the applicable social media sites. This privacy policy does not cover the privacy and security practices of social media sites where you have Personal Social Media Accounts. Please review privacy policies and terms of service on the social media sites if you have any questions about their privacy or security practices.

Information Collected on Pages GIPSY Has on Social Media Sites/Pages

Personal information may be collected directly by GIPSY through our Social Media Pages and may also be collected by the social media site hosting the GIPSY Social Media Page.
Personal Information collected directly by The collection of personal information directly by GIPSY on our Social Media Pages will include the type of information addressed under “Personally Identifiable Information We Collect” above. Examples of how personal information may be directly collected on GIPSY Social Media Pages include providing information through an application or form which has a link to this privacy policy. We will use and share the information we collect on our Social Media Pages in the manner specified below in “Using Information We Collect Online” and in “Information We Share With Third Parties.”
Personal Information collected by the social media sites: This privacy policy does not cover the privacy and security practices of the social media sites on which GIPSY has Social Media Pages. Please review privacy policies and terms of service on the social media sites if you have any questions about their privacy or security practices.
The social media sites where GIPSY has Social Media Pages may provide aggregate information and analysis to GIPSY about your use of our Social Media Pages. This allows us to better understand and analyze our user growth, general demographic information about the users of our Social Media Pages, and interaction with content on our Social Media Pages. Overall, this information may be used to help us understand the types of visitors and users of our Social Media Pages and use of the content.

Using Information We Collect Online

We may use the information we collect under this policy to fulfill product orders; to fulfill your requests (such as contact us, click to chat, email a friend, coming soon product alert, wish list or sending a post card); to contact you or the product recipient(s) in the event of order or delivery difficulties; to serve site content; to send marketing communications regarding our products, services, and promotions to you; to analyze your activity with us, including interaction with our Websites/emails, the effectiveness of our advertising, and your purchases; to personalize our communications to you; to respond to your inquiries and other communications; to update information maintained in your online account; to conduct surveys, sweepstakes or contests; to develop our products, services, and Websites; and to consider you for employment. In addition, the information collected in the Online Store will be used for these same marketing communications about our products, services, and Websites. GIPSY uses the information collected on its Social Media Pages to send communications regarding our products, services, and promotions; to respond to your inquiries; to conduct surveys, sweepstakes or contests; to analyze your activity on our Social Media Pages, and to develop our products and services; replying to an email requesting information from you. See the “Opt-Out” section below for the choices you have related to receiving marketing communications from us.
We may use the information that we collect under this Privacy Policy for the purpose of providing personalized content across different Internet browsers or devices that you use to access our Websites and mobile applications, including the synchronization of wish lists and shopping bags. Any changes made to privacy settings (including your opt-out preferences) on one browser or device will not be synchronized between browsers and/or devices. Alternatively, any changes made to privacy settings must be made on each browser or device on an individual basis.

Information We Share With Third Parties

We may disclose the information that you provide to us (including, without limitation, your personal data) to any member of our group, which means our subsidiaries, our ultimate holding company, and the subsidiaries of our holding company (including affiliated companies).

We make the names and postal addresses in our postal mailing list, sometimes categorized by purchasing information, available to our affiliates and other unaffiliated companies for their marketing purposes. See the “Opt-Out” section below for instructions on how to opt out of sharing with unaffiliated companies.
Please be aware that we may use third parties to assist us with our e-commerce business, such as our Websites, emails, and Social Media Pages. Personal information you provide us may be shared, as necessary, with the relevant third parties to so carry out functions on our behalf. It is possible that some of these service providers will be located outside of the India.
You should also be aware that we may disclose specific information about you if necessary to do so by law or based on our good faith belief that it is necessary to conform or comply with the law or is necessary to protect the users of our Websites, the Websites or the public.
If GIPSY were ever merged with or acquired by another entity, or if it acquires another business entity or is involved in a corporate reorganization or other change of control, some or all of the personal information collected about you could be shared with this entity, and may also be retained by Other than this acquisition, sale, or reorganization, we do not sell or rent your email address to unrelated third parties.


1. What Are Cookies, Pixel Tags and URL Links, and How Are These Used on Our Websites or in Our Emails?

Our Websites and emails use, and our third party service providers may use, a browser feature known as a cookie, which assigns a unique identification to your computer. The cookies are typically stored on your computer's hard drive or mobile device. The information collected when visiting our Websites or interacting with our emails may include the following: an IP address, the URL of the page from which you arrived; your browser type; other technical information about your device used to visit our Websites or interact with our emails; the pages you view; the features you use; whether you create an account or sign into an account and where you go on our Websites once signed into your account; whether you complete a transaction; whether you have previously completed a survey; and the time of your visit. This information allows us to determine such things as which parts of our Websites are most visited or used, what products are browsed and/or purchased, the effectiveness of our Websites and emails, your specific interaction with our Websites and emails, and difficulties you may experience in accessing our Websites or emails. With this knowledge, we can improve the quality of your experience on our Websites and interaction with our emails by recognizing and delivering more of the most desired features and information, personalize your experience, and resolve access difficulties. In addition, our Websites use cookies to help keep track of items you put into your shopping cart, whether you purchase any or all of those items, and to tell us whether you have visited one of our Websites in the past. This allows you to maintain shopping carts between visits and allows us to inquire about your continued interest in items in your shopping cart or that you viewed on one of our Websites. Our Websites also use cookies to help keep track of checkout information, other than payment method information, while you remain on our Websites. In addition, the information collected by us or our service provider(s) may be linked to and combined with information that we collect about you from your visits to our Websites or interaction with our emails.
Our Websites and emails use, and our third party service providers may also use, Pixel Tags (also known as Web beacons, Web bugs, and Clear GIFs). A Pixel Tag is a nearly invisible pixel-sized graphic image on a Webpage or email message. Pixel Tags may be used to collect the same information about your visit that is collected through cookies, as noted above. We may also collect information about a search engine used, and a search engine advertisement clicked to navigate to the Websites. Pixel Tags in emails help us confirm the receipt of, and response to, our emails (including your interaction with our Websites as a result of receiving the email) and the time our email is viewed. This information helps us to make similar evaluations about our Websites and emails as with cookies and to determine the most desired features and information so that we can provide those features and information to you and personalize our interactions with you. This information may also be linked to and combined with information that we collect about you from your visits to our Websites.
In addition, our communications (e.g. emails, direct messages via social media platforms, et al.) to you may include "click-through URLs" linked to particular pages on one of our Websites. By clicking on one of the URLs, you will automatically enter one of our Websites and we may collect information related to the "click-through". We may use cookies to associate information in the click-through with your previous experiences on our Websites/Apps. You may avoid having this information collected by not clicking on the URL links in our email communications.


To unsubscribe from receiving marketing emails from GIPSY go to the unsubscribe page or email us at, or if you created an account, go to the Marketing Preferences section of the Profile page. If you signed up to receive marketing emails from one of our affiliates follow the opt-out instructions on any marketing email you receive from that affiliate. Please be aware, however, even if you request be removed from our email marketing list, you may still receive non-marketing emails, such as confirmations for any orders placed on our Websites.

Updating Personal Information in Your Account

If you have created an online account we prefer to keep your personal information accurate and up-to-date. To do this, we provide you with the opportunity to update or modify your personal information, including your billing address, preferred shipping information, payment details, and contact information. Just log-on to your account with your email address and password, and you will see an overview page where you can update your information. To request to have your account cancelled, please use the Contact Us section of the Help page and include the email address of the account you wish to cancel.


For your convenience and enjoyment, our Websites may contain links to other websites. We do not evaluate and are not responsible for the privacy practices or the content of such websites. We would urge you to review the privacy policies on each link to ensure that you are comfortable with their privacy policies and practices.

Updates to Privacy Policy

As we continue to offer you new and different types of content and services, we may modify our information collection, use, or disclosure practices. Should there be a material change to our information collection, use or disclosure practices, it will be applied only to information collected on a going forward basis, and we will update this privacy policy statement.

Security Statement

GIPSY limits the number of employees that have access to the databases that contain personal data, and GIPSY employees are advised of the importance of confidentiality. In addition, it is our policy to never send your payment card number via email. We designed our online store to accept orders only from Web browsers that permit communication through Transport Layer Security (TLS) technology. Browsers that do not meet this requirement will be prevented from navigating the online store section of our Websites. See "Supported Web Browsers" for more information. While we implement the above security measures on our Websites, you should be aware that 100% security is not always possible.

Supported Web Browsers supports Microsoft Internet Explorer 11.0+, Android 5.0+, Apple OS X 10.9+, and Apple iOS 9.0+. We recommend if you are viewing our websites on Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox to download the latest version in order to maximize your experience, otherwise you may not be able to access or utilize all pages on our websites as intended.

Questions/Contact Us

If you have any questions, comments or concerns regarding our privacy practices, please email us at or

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